Series - Old Testament Survey

Rock of Ages

Christ is the centre and substance of all things. He is the Word that created the world and He is the Word that upholds it, moment by moment.

For believers, that Word does not begin in the Gospel of Matthew but in Genesis.

"All things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 9Colossians 1:16-17) "

This short series follows some of the major themes and events of the Old Testmanet. Like the New Testament, everything in the Old Testament is written in order to introduce us to Jesus Christ. Not only that, but through Christ, the Old Testament tells us who we were created to be.

Jesus is a rock, and so must man be. Jesus is a light in the world and so must man be. Jesus is a fountain, and so must man be and Jesus is a fruitful, faithful tree - and so must man be.