According to the standard definition, evolution is the result of a mechanism known as natural selection. This natural selection results in organisms that are more likely to survive and reproduce.
The problem with this idea is the total lack of testable and repeatable scientific evidence.
To quote one of their own on the dismal failure of evolutionary theory to explain anything,
Has quantum cosmology explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here? Not even close. Have our sciences explained why our universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life? Not even close. Are physicists and biologists willing to believe in anything so long as it is not religious thought? Close enough. Has rationalism and moral thought provided us with an understanding of what is good, what is right, and what is moral? Not close enough. Has secularism in the 20th century been a force for good? Not even close, to being close. Is there a narrow and oppressive orthodoxy in the sciences? Close enough. Is scientific atheism a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt? Dead on.
Biologist, Dr David Berlinski, The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions
According to, “Why Evolution is True”, by Professor Jerry A. Coyne, we have 10% of the fossil record. From this, he believes we’re able to assemble the evolution of life and in particular, the evolution of man.
10%. That’s it.
There are at least two problems with this claim, and they are huge. First, in order to determine you had 10% of anything you would have to know what the 100% looked like.
Secondly, his statement is like saying that he’s read the first three chapters of War and Peace and is now able to explain the rest of the novel without having read it.
And yet, this is the least of evolution’s shortcomings. According to David Berlinski, former postdoctoral fellow in mathematics and molecular biology at Columbia University, there’s absolutely nothing in biology that demonstrates that natural selection and random variation will account for the immense complexity we see in living organisms.
Unlike chemistry and physics and the other serious sciences, there is simply no scientific test—or even a computer model—that can demonstrate the evolutionary process without significant human intervention and manipulation of the data. Thus, says Berlinski, an agnostic, evolutionary theory is no more than a secular myth.
Yet, to give evolution is due, it’s a powerful myth.
The third problem evolution faces is very much a 21st-century problem. For, ironically, man, rather than evolving into something fitter and more reproducible, appears to be devolving rather quickly.
We’ve substituted coherent arguments for frenetic red-faced rants on YouTube. We can’t write a full sentence or properly punctuate a text message. If we weren’t so arrogant, we would acknowledge that our falling communication, literacy and numeracy skills, along with our shrinking vocabulary are embarrassing.1
We can no longer control our lusts, our pride or our envy and we are becoming either indifferent or else incapable of policing the problem.
Men are becoming weak, soft, gay, sterile, incapable of holding together a marriage, and too self-absorbed to get a job or defend another human life. Testosterone is disintegrating and the ability to reproduce is rapidly disappearing for a good number of young men. They also have boobs.
Western women are becoming masculine, career-driven, depressed, and are dying lonely and childless because they have been taught to despise the glory and beauty of motherhood as well as marriage.
Together, we can no longer distinguish between male and female and those living in an advanced state of cognitive decay have begun to imagine themselves made in the image of the cats, wolves and unicorns they worship (Psalm 135:16-18, Romans 1:22-24).
The result? A 50% reduction in fertility rates over the last 70 years.
The consequence? An ageing population ready to go into retirement over the next 5 to 10 years and a dramatically shrinking workforce that will be unable to sustain the economy needed to prop up population-wide healthcare—much less food supply.2
Expect starvation. Expect euthanasia. Expect chaos.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not blaming evolution for all of this and I completely agree that this will be a case of survival of the fittest. But ideas have consequences and evolution is a significant ingredient of the stew we are currently in. A worldview grounded in evolution means that everything is malleable and accidental, which means that it’s also unstable.
The resulting collapse will put to test our devolution into beasts and our ability to survive in the wild. And things really are about to get wild. But it will not be the first time that man has had to eat dirt and live out his profession as a beast in order to come to his senses (Daniel 4:33-34).
And this is why, in the midst of the madness, we do not lose heart. Man must be humbled in order to be redeemed (Matthew 18:3), and God has often produced that humility by handing us over to our own stupidity (Jeremiah 22:8-9, Ezekiel 39:23, 1 Corinthians 10:11).
Evolution wants us to believe that throughout history mankind is getting better and better by accident. Humanism wants us to believe that, throughout history, mankind is getting better and better by human ingenuity.
But the gospel teaches us that until the image of God is restored in us through repentance and faith in Christ, we only ever tend to get worse and worse.
And here we are.
Mankind is not the accidental chemical pop and fizz of time and chance. He’s not an accidental machine glued to a spinning ball, hurtling through endless space. Neither is man good.
Man is the image of God. He is beautifully made and designed by a loving Creator. He is also fallen on account of his sin. But he is not beyond redemption.
And the reason he is not beyond redemption is that God has come into the world. He has come into the world to redeem you and me.
Jesus Christ has come to declare forgiveness. To deliver us from our miserable madness and grant eternal life. This is not something you can do. It is something God has already done for you.
The death and resurrection of Jesus is our assurance that those who believe are not headed for ultimate destruction, decay and devolution but for ultimate renewal, resurrection and eternal life.
We’ve seen plenty of echoes in the last 500 years of what the gospel does to the man who turns to Christ. We’re at the tail end of living through the most prosperous time in human history. We’ve been living longer, and we’ve been significantly happier and healthier. Sadly, as Cotton Maher once said, “Faithfulness begat prosperity, and then the daughter devoured the mother.”
And that’s where we are currently heading, or at least, thanks to us, that’s where our children are heading. But we, and they, don’t have to stay there.
1 The size of your vocabulary is a predictor of your comprehension. Which may go some way to explaining the glazed look on your face as you read this sentence.
2 Zeihan, Peter. The End of the World is just the Beginning. Mapping the Collapse of Global Civilisation. Harper Business, 2022.
Over the last 70 years we’ve had a fit and healthy workforce. The largest in human history. These were able to provide us with the labour necessary for manufacturing. They also provided the capital to put back into the system. Retirees don’t put into the system. They draw from it.
Either through policy or propaganda, our generation was taught not to have children. The result is a negative population outlook with very few workers throughout the developed world. It’s now too late to reverse this trend and we’re all gonna have to just suck on the bitter fruit of our folly.