The Hogfather, a movie based on a novel by Terry Pratchett, tells the story of the Grim Reaper (death), who steps into the world of men in order to save it from eternal darkness. In the opening scenes we are told that things exist because people believe in them. That belief … [Read more...] about Death Saves the Day
Come in, out of the Darkness
Jesus did not wrestle His angry Father to the ground and snatch the whip out of His hand. Likewise, God did not force His Son to be merciful to humanity. God loves His people and demonstrated His love by sending His Son to die. The Son loves the Father and so was willing to … [Read more...] about Come in, out of the Darkness
Still Rolls the Stone
Christianity is a Public Religion. The world wants to legislate that religion be made a private affair. But, if the world had wanted the church to keep quiet about Jesus it should have thought of that before it crucified Him publicly. The death of Jesus was a public event. He … [Read more...] about Still Rolls the Stone