Our daughters are not free agents. They have a man in their life, and until that man, their father, gives his daughter to another man, he bears a good deal of responsibility for her life. He is not responsible for her sin, but he is, for example, responsible for her purity. In … [Read more...] about Daughters
God is our Father. He is the penultimate Father and He rules the Heavens. Patriarchy simply means “father rule,” and so it follows that every biblical Christian holds to patriarchy. The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church (Ephesians 5:23). God … [Read more...] about Patriarchy
Jesus, God’s Son
The Rabbi's had a saying, “Not he who begets, but he who brings up is the Father.” This is not a quirk of modern psychology. This is the way the world works and something that Jesus taught us very plainly in John 8:39-44. By nature, we do the will of the one who raises us. We … [Read more...] about Jesus, God’s Son
5 Weeks before Marriage – Walking down the Aisle
Irrespective of the current zeitgeist, the pattern for godly family life is the pattern laid down for us by God. That pattern includes a fathers' responsibility for his daughters and a husband's obligation to his wife. If you read Numbers 30:3-16 you will notice that a woman … [Read more...] about 5 Weeks before Marriage – Walking down the Aisle