Rachel Levine, a man who wants others to address him as a woman has been declared Woman of the Year. So much for feminism.
Rachel is a doctor and serves as an assistant health secretary in the Department of Health and Human Services in the United States.
Levine, a fully formed adult male, is also a father. He is a man who believes that the glorious estate of womanhood can be reduced to a few feminine accessories like wearing a dress, getting a perm, or sitting – knees together – with hands folded. Levine insists that doing this makes Levine a woman. But Levine is not, and Levine, as a doctor, knows this. This makes Levine a liar.
Levine, if he had the balls, could go under the knife, rearrange his face and strap on some silicon, but none of this would make him a woman.
Women of the Year? Is there anything we men can’t do?

A woman is not defined by her clothes, makeup, hair, shoes, speech, knees or her lovers. A woman is her body, her entire being, and everyone knows it. And so, not only is Levine lying to herself and others, but those who go along with the lie are liars too. All such people – and sadly, I am referring to many Christians here – are not only helping forge their own chains, they are forging chains for the rest of us.
Yes, womanhood is something to be praised, and imitation is flattering, but this is not the way to honour a woman. It just makes a mockery of all that is feminine. And when I say mockery, I mean, mockery. These men hate women. These emasculated men aren’t imitating Sophie Lauren. They are satirising. They don’t just wear make-up, they wear enough paint to recolour the Sydney Harbour bridge. They don’t just feminise their hair, they do their doo like a circus clown and have bosoms till Tuesday.
In a culture that adores the artificial: fake hair, fake boobs, fake food, fake virtue, it should not surprise us that, given enough time, we would wind up faking womanhood and deconstructing the image of God. Why, because womanhood is God’s idea. It’s also the last frontier of culture in full, arrogant rebellion and the hallmark of a people – not heading for – but already under, judgement.
Therefore, God gave them up… to a debased mind … [that they should] receive in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:21-27)
Paul goes on to extend this judgement to all those who give the nod to this kind of evil (Romans 1:32).
And it is evil. Not only for those embracing the delusion but for those who either approve by their actions or give consent by their silence.
All such people – and sadly, I am referring to many Christians here – all such people are not only helping forge their own chains, they are forging chains for anybody who objects to the current madness.
God made woman, along with man, as a glorious image of His own divine nature. It’s not her hair or her smile, as lovely as they are, it’s her entire body, her entire being.
Moreover, God, in His infinite and orderly wisdom, has made distinctions. Distinctions which a sick society are bent on reducing to a blur.
And that is all that Levine has achieved. He has blurred his own manhood and reduced womanhood to a clown show. The kind you might find in a Stephen King novel.
It’s women whose bodies nurture, carry and feed our young, not the bodies of men like Levine. It’s women, made in the image of God, who magnify the feminine, the tender, the fair, and the lovely, not crass imitations like Levine’s.
God does not take kindly to those who trash His things. Nor will He take kindly to the cowardly failure of those responsible for guarding, cherishing and proclaiming those things which He has entrusted to them.
For Christians in the thick of it, let your creed be this: Let the liars lie, but let not their lie be found in you through cowardice or willing consent.
Let this humble truth prevail in your heart and on your lips.
And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good (Genesis 1:31).
Womanhood: Can’t be replaced, copied or caricatured. Worthy of all honour, just the way she is.
I feel quite revered.
Well done!