One of the great comforts for Christians is knowing that Jesus is the Lord of History and that His word the Bible, is the infallible source of history. We're not frantic about lowering the core temperature of the planet. We like the sun, and we don't begrudge others enjoying … [Read more...] about The Lord of History
Jesus Through all of Life – An Introduction
The Gospel, as the saying goes, is more than a steak on your plate before it's too late. It's more than a clean conscience, a ticket to paradise or an escape clause for sinners. The gospel is an all-of-life faith that puts Jesus Christ at the centre of everything. There are … [Read more...] about Jesus Through all of Life – An Introduction
Not a Tame Man
John's Gospel was written during a time of great persecution. It was written to reassure our hearts that Jesus was and is the Saviour of the world. The One Man we could trust to redeem the world, wash away our sin and raise the dead. Unlike the other gospels, John does not … [Read more...] about Not a Tame Man
Jesus, Women Who Serve
Until now, Jesus has used Capernaum as a base for ministry. He has headed out from there on short stints and then returned. Chapter 8 in Luke marks a change in the way Jesus has been doing ministry among the people. At this point, He leaves Capernaum and begins moving from … [Read more...] about Jesus, Women Who Serve
That the World May See
Hope is energising and is the result of a hopeful vision. Without hope, we are resigned to either indifference or despair. And without a hopeful vision, we are destined to walk around aimlessly as we slowly waste away. (Proverbs 29:18). And, so, as Christians, we need to have … [Read more...] about That the World May See