Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor in the second century, once said that we should never value anything as profitable if it requires us to: Break a promise, hate our neighbour, curse, set aside modesty, play the hypocrite, or act behind walls and veils. What Marcus Aurelius … [Read more...] about Fools Rush in…
People Pleasing
When it came to eating food offered to idols in a way that pricked the conscience of a new believer, the Apostle Paul said that he would seek to please that believer and give up eating meat (1 Corinthians 10:33). He also said that he wasn't the least bit interested in pleasing … [Read more...] about People Pleasing
Relativism carries with it the idea that there is no absolute truth. As a guiding assumption and, taken to it's logical conclusion, relativism destroys not only community but scientific endeavour, the study of the arts, history, medicine and more since you are no longer aiming at … [Read more...] about Relativism
Justified by God
The Chief Priests condemned Lazarus to death. Why? Because Lazarus was a living testimony of who Jesus was. When the large crowd of the Jews learned that Jesus was there, they came, not only on account of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the … [Read more...] about Justified by God
The 9th Commandment
The ninth commandment, "You shall not bear false witness", is a call to orient all of life toward what is true. It teaches us to avoid making any statements or participating in any rumour about a colleague, family, friend or neighbour that could result in doing them harm. Like … [Read more...] about The 9th Commandment