Despite what we might think we are teaching our kids, most of them are perceptive enough to work out the priorities in life by the questions we ask. "Did you have fun (play the fool)?" Where you entertained (to hold the mind captive)?" "Were you amused (to deceive, … [Read more...] about Beyond the Jolly Fat Man
Jesus, God’s Delight
John, a cousin of Jesus, turned up on the scene baptising the people of Judah with a baptism of repentance for the remission of sin. Jesus came along insisting that John baptise Him also (Matthew 3:1-17). Why? Jesus didn't need His sins washed away. In fact, His sinlessness … [Read more...] about Jesus, God’s Delight
Jesus, Always Present
Jesus is the eternal ever-present Son of God who not only created and sustains the universe but entered into it as a Mediator because He loves it and because He has chosen to save it. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with … [Read more...] about Jesus, Always Present
Jesus Among the Pick ‘n Mix
The Good News is that Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth and that all the kingdoms of this world are His. He is not wringing His hands in heaven, hoping you will pick Him among the gods. He already reigns over all. But when we bring the good news to others, what are we hoping … [Read more...] about Jesus Among the Pick ‘n Mix
Weakness is the Way
Nobody wants to be called weak, at least, not by the world's definition. The world despises the weak and has a habit of crushing them. There is a weakness that can get you crushed. But it is a weakness that's worth having. When God visited His people on the mountain at Horeb, … [Read more...] about Weakness is the Way