Meet Christian, the mild-mannered man behind The Ice Age Farmer. He’s an unassuming young family man who teaches people the why and how of growing your own food.
Facebook is now labelling him as an agent of Russian disinformation.
Christian notices things like the closing of abattoirs on the pretence of COVID, growing legislation to prevent people from raising their own livestock, the oddly high number of grain and food factories burning to the ground, the slaughtering of cattle, poultry and pigs under the pretence of disease, climate and safety, and the billion-dollar push to get us to stop eating meat and eat bugs instead.
We are living in a time where accusations no longer need to be proved, they just need to be made. Never mind if what Christian says is true. Truth is old school. The finger-pointers have spoken. Christian has drawn the attention of those in power and must be silenced.
How long do you think it will be before someone points the finger at you for owning a chicken or a house cow …. or a Jew? Does that seem far fetched? Why?
For the last two years, people have been doing a headcount on their neighbours’ visitors and calling the cops if they exceeded their social quota. Many churches have been willing to join forces with the state, monitor other people’s private medical choices, disfellowship unvaccinated members of the body of Christ, participate in tyrannical and contradictory regulations and publicly scold anyone who hugs a widow or breathes out a hymn above 20 decibels.
Not all have gone along with it, some have even objected and refused to participate, but a good majority of the church has simply adjusted their sails to suit the prevailing zephyr.
COVID, lockdowns, masks, triple-boosters, sackings, more lockdowns, isolation, climate emergencies, QR codes, digital IDs, digital currencies, Ukrainian refugees from, erh, Nigeria, Russian evils… Whatever it has been, the motto of the hypnotised mob continues to be, “I support the current thing.”
Crap is literally pumped into rivers and seas by multi-national corporations. Forests are shredded and the very guts of the earth are ripped out so we can make iPhones and wind turbines. Total silence. A cow farts in a field in Northern Ireland and it’s an environmental catastrophe!
And we all buy into it. Well, not everyone.
Here’s a thought experiment…
How you acted over the last two years is how you would act under tyranny. If you’ve ever wondered if you’ve got balls of steel, now you know.
No matter how stupid, unjust, or evil things get, those who have already invested in the narrative through blind obedience will find that apart from an absolute divine act of Grace, it’s virtually impossible to escape the loop they are now in. The pride is too great, the humble pie too bitter.
All that said, it’s a great time to be alive.
Those with the avocados of steel mentioned above know how this will all pan out because they know who is on the throne. They’ve read their Bible and they know where this world is heading.
He who sits in the heavens, laughs (Psalm 2:4)
Those who, in word and deed, maintain that Christ is Lord, are not ignorant of the suffering to come, but they have read the story through to the end. And the end is redemption. The end is the removal of the wicked and the inheritance of the saints.
While many Western churches crumble (and they are crumbling, morally and numerically), these saints, like the early church, are joyfully forming parallel communities that are able to feed and clothe both themselves and the needy.
But we urge you, brothers, to do this more and more, and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one. (1 Thessalonians 4:10-12)
Like those Christian communities that saw the writing on the wall in 20th century Germany, Red China or Pol Pot’s Cambodia and refused to live by lies, they are not looking to Caesar for their daily bread or their marching orders, but to God who feeds and comforts those who look to Him.
These are the apostates of our day. They are Nero’s heretics and Rome’s atheists. They are the great unwashed, the rebels and the radicals.
Their crime? They are growing their own cabbages.