The church I grew up in had a perpetual interest with what the bible calls, the “Last Day”. Sermons, studies, and conversations were peppered with Final Judgement stories that were vivid enough to scare you, but also distant enough to be dismissed as soon as the meeting was over.
They were cosmic conversations filled with speculations as to the when, how and where of the last day. But they typically overlooked the obvious fact that, if there is a “Last Day” for this world, then there is also a “last day” for each of us – one that might come sooner than you think.
You and I are dying. Some of us will be here this time next year, and some of us may not. If there is a last day for this world, then there is also a last day for you and me.
If there is a cosmic final day, then there is also an individual final day. The end of all things might be another 5,000 years off, but I can be fairly sure that my launch into the next world will arrive in the next 50 years.
How far away is your last day?
It is appointed unto to man once to die, and after that, the judgement. (Hebrews 9:27)
For many reading this, that day will also be here within the next fifty years. On that day, you will discover whether you are in fact a goat or a sheep. You will find out whether you have been deluded by the devil or delivered by King Jesus.
You will find out whether you have gained the whole world (Matthew 5:5), or lost your soul for good. On that not-to-distant day, you will be fully known as wheat or as weed.
For those in Christ, the rod of death will be the final discipline that brings you to perfection (Hebrews 5:8-9). For others, it will be the beginning of unspeakable pain and shame.
Jesus has sent His angels into the four corners of the world in order to harvest it. But with the harvest of the world comes the one-by-one gathering of every individual to the throne of God (Isaiah 27:12).
In light of this, we are urged to examine ourselves and take stock (2 Corinthians 13:5), not only for ourselves but for those around us.
But exhort one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness… as it has been said:
“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…” (Hebrews 3:13-15)
There is no escaping your last day, no dodging the appointment. And though you may not have tomorrow, you do have today.
That makes today a very good day to sort out your differences with God. It makes today a very good day to come to Jesus, confident in the knowledge that He wants you to come to Him, is ready to receive you, and will in no way cast you out (John 6:37).