Unique to Christianity is the call to love our enemies. Love here, is not defined as a warm, runny feeling, but, like its use through most of scripture, is an aspect of charity. It's a "doing" word. A verb. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do … [Read more...] about Love Your Enemies
Afraid of Being Noticed
The book of Job is a difficult book to read and so it is often a book that is avoided. One reason we avoid Job is simply that it bothers us. The book of Job is about a faithful man, a son, who is struck down by God. And even though he is restored at the end of the story, no one … [Read more...] about Afraid of Being Noticed
Jesus, God’s Son
The Rabbi's had a saying, “Not he who begets, but he who brings up is the Father.” This is not a quirk of modern psychology. This is the way the world works and something that Jesus taught us very plainly in John 8:39-44. By nature, we do the will of the one who raises us. We … [Read more...] about Jesus, God’s Son