The Hogfather, a movie based on a novel by Terry Pratchett, tells the story of the Grim Reaper (death), who steps into the world of men in order to save it from eternal darkness. In the opening scenes we are told that things exist because people believe in them. That belief … [Read more...] about Death Saves the Day
Fellowship with other believers is a wonderful thing. In coming together we find comfort, strength, spiritual growth, humility, and joy. We find a home away from home in our travels and rest from our labour among friends. All of which is grounded, and contingent upon walking … [Read more...] about Fellowship
Be Not Blah
When Jesus flipped the conversation in Matthew 5:13-16 from, "You are the salt, your are the light," to, "I did not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it" in Matthew 5:17-20, He was not changing the subject. The subject was our presence in this world as salt and light. The … [Read more...] about Be Not Blah
Jesus, Light of the World
In Matthew 12 we learn that the Pharisees and those responsible for guiding Israel had become faithless teachers. Their candle was going out. They were demanding a sign (Luke 11:29) but they should have been looking for the a light switch. No one after lighting a lamp puts it … [Read more...] about Jesus, Light of the World
Jesus, Salt, Light and Law
A Disciple is one who is, and is becoming, the beatitude man or woman. Seeing nothing in himself worth defending, he has quit trying to build his own reputation as righteous and instead he is in pursuit of the righteousness that comes from God. He recognises this same emptiness … [Read more...] about Jesus, Salt, Light and Law